Thursday, March 22, 2007

Time Flies

Wow. It's scary how quickly time can get away from you. I haven't been feeling very motivated these days. Work has gotten crazy busy and chaotic. Plus, packing and moving has started to take over the house. This is making it a little harder to carve out quilting time.

Even with all that, I managed to finish the top for mormor's blommar. Plus! I borrowed a digital camera and once I translate the instructions (they're all in Swedish, yup, long story) I'll be able to download the pictures. I've got one of my current sewing area. All the sewing room makeovers have before pictures so I figured everyone could see the living room/kitchen/desk area. :) And one of mormor's blommar.

Right now I'm on a ssssslllooowwww course. The information will be useful but they could up the course pace several degrees.

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