Last weekend I had the good fortune to attend the big annual quilt show. There are over 500 quilts to look at. Weather-wise it was wonderful. Hot and sunny. No rain all weekend so the organizers were able to hang the quilts outside. (Much better than this weekend where we woke up to a blanket of snow covering to world.)
The show is held at a historical park. Isn't it a wonderful location for quilts?
I'll have to stretch the pictures over a couple of posts. Even though my camera batteries died before I saw the whole show, I managed to take lots and lots of pictures... :)
I belong to a wonderful quilt guild called the knotty quilters. I think the name sums up our group pretty well. :) These are some of the quilts our group submitted this year.
This one was created when one of our members found out she was going to be a grandmother for the first time. It turned out quite differently than she was first planning, her thoughts were to go with the traditional blue and pink, her children had other ideas. :)
This one is called 'Lucy's geese'. If you'd like to hear the story behind the name, you can check out her
This one was from the pattern 'Indian Summer' which one of the ladies showed us how to make last year. This was the only one that was finished in time for the show.
Actually, this year, there was not one single quilt that stood out as 'the' quilt for the year. Each year, I've mad a bit of a game of 'spot the repeats'. This started several years ago when the rag quilts first became all the rage. Walking around the park that year, you couldn't help but see rag quilts each time you went around a corner. After that, each year, we've started looking to see if there is a particular pattern or style that stood out. I'm happy to say that this year we got to see 500 different quilts with very few repeating patterns or styles.
This one is a mariners compass surrounded by piles and piles of half-square triangles. It's all batiks. The colours are even richer in real life. The compasses are paper-pieced with everything else pieced.